Study on the domestic laws governing the legal professions, with special regard to Legal Tech (LT) solutions Coord. Prof. Dr. Martin Ebers (Robotics & AI Law Society – RAILS and University of Tartu) – Prof. Daniel-Mihail SANDRU National Rapporteur Romania

Prof. Daniel-Mihail SANDRU, National rapporteur

Study on the domestic laws governing the legal professions, with special regard to Legal Tech (LT) solutions

Coord. Prof. Dr. Martin Ebers (Robotics & AI Law Society – RAILS and University of Tartu)

The growing use of technology in the legal sector (LegalTech; LT) raises the question how this technology is regulated in different jurisdictions. LT applications challenge – above all – the laws governing the legal professions. In many countries, legal services can be provided by lawyers only. As many LT companies are owned by non-lawyers, bar associations all over the world have started to litigate against LT companies, referring to the applicable legal services regulations – thereby creating the risk of over-regulation. In other jurisdictions, LT providers may escape regulation because they are outside of the Legal Services regime’s scope – thereby creating the risk of under-regulation, exposing consumers or other interested parties to risks and detriments brought about by LT services.

Against this background, our study aims to collect direct and reliable information from legal practitioners in order to gain an overview of the (legal) situation of LT in different countries, esp. with regard to legal services regulations. In this way, we hope to get a better understanding of the chances and obstacles LT companies face nowadays.

Daniel-Mihail Sandru – relevant activities in the field of personal data protection