Safeguarding vulnerable data subjects – the crucial role of GDPR data protection principles (conferinta, Universitatea din Padova)

13 noiembrie 2023 – International Conference „Conceptualising vulnerability in a time of human rights regression”, organizată de Università di Padova.

Daniel-Mihail Șandru, Alexandru Georgescu, Safeguarding vulnerable data subjects – the crucial role of GDPR data protection principles

The Conference is organized by the Human Rights Centre “Antonio Papisca”, and the UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace”, in collaboration with the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padova. Event partners include the following institutes: Human Rights Consortium, University of London (UK), UNESCO Chair „Human Rights and Human Security” University of Graz (Austria), Institute of International Studies, University of Wroclav (Poland); School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Stop Ecocide International.