Considerații privind relația dintre protecția juridică a mediului și dreptul noilor tehnologii, Studii și cercetări juridice, nr. 3/2022

Daniel-Mihail ȘANDRU, Considerații privind relația dintre protecția juridică a mediului și dreptul noilor tehnologii, Studii și cercetări juridice, nr. 3/2022, p. 371-373

The research into the relationship between legal protection of the environment and the law of new technologies is necessary for the impact that such fundamental research has on practical activity. Different areas are analyzed, taking into account mainly: the Digital Agenda for Europe: opportunities for the environment, the analysis of art. 37, 7 and 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the relevant provisions of the Council of Europe, tools for promoting environmental protection: Internet of Things (IoT), data protection, big data, location, tracking and other digital technologies used in environmental protection, access to data and open data in efforts to achieve a healthy environment, state-of-the-art technologies in the environment and data protection with a focus on automated decision-making and the precautionary principle, blockchain and environmental protection with a focus on data security, information protection and other current dimensions of the influence of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), data pollution, privacy by design and environmental protection elements, artificial intelligence in environmental law: benefits and risks, „digital environment”: security and cloud. All these elements are essential for understanding the legal context for the two areas of reference.